Tracey and her mom, Jeanette, have been extremely supportive of me and my agility Siberians for many years. I’ll never forget their smiles and cheering from the grand stands regardless of what silliness my huskies got up to in the ring. It was a huge help with my confidence. It breaks my heart that they are leaving SA for the UK, but I’m so glad I got this opportunity to send them off with some beautiful memories. Tracey took advantage of my portrait special at Canine Performance Centre. She brought her two beautiful Border Collies, Roxy and Cassie. She even wore her CPC branded t-shirt for the shoot. Jeanette joined to help with the dogs and did a fabulous job of rustling treat packets over my head to get ‘ears up’ photos. Roxy and Cassie were sooooo confused about why they had to sit still in front of or on top of the equipment instead of charging through it at full speed, so they were extremely relieved when we finally started on the action photos. All 4 ladies left the arena exhausted. Photography and Editing by Leanne Williams.
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